A/N: This may be a short chapter only because it's going to be in two parts. Also, it may be pretty boring. But don't worry, the sex is coming. And so will Grace and Frankie...ok I'm disgusting. On with the story.
"Grace, I'm pretty sure you know how this is going to end." I said, filling the silence. I looked over at Grace who nodded understandingly. I reached my hand out and put it on her shoulder. I then got up to leave her alone for a little while only to hear her footsteps following me.
"Where are you going?" Grace asked.
"I thought you wanted to be alone. Plus, I have to start getting ready for the say yes night we never had last night." I casually replied.
"Frankie, it's 8AM, we have ten hours until we have to get ready. Can't we talk about what just happened upstairs?"
"What is there to talk about? We kissed, we liked it, it's done. It happened."
"It didn't just happen. This is huge, Frankie. Like you said; we kissed, we liked it."
"Grace, I have Jacob. We're getting married and I'm going to Santa Fe with this man."
Grace was looking at me in shock when her phone rang.
"Hello." I answered.
"Hey, can I come over?" Nick replied happily
"Of course. There's something I want to talk to you about anyway."
"Can I ask what it is."
"It's too important to tell you over the phone."
"It's about Frankie, isn't it?"
"Yes and no."
"Are you in love with her?"
I went silent. I had no idea how to reply. If I said no, he'd know I'm lying but if I say yes, he may hate me. I decided to do what I do best and avoid this conversation altogether.
"How's work today?" I asked
"Grace, don't do that. Don't avoid this. Are you in love with Frankie?"
"Would you be mad if I said yes?"
"No, but I wouldn't be thrilled either to be honest."
"Can you still come over? I want to talk about this in person."
"Sure, give me an hour and I'll be there. I have to finish some things up here at work."
I hung up the phone and smiled nervously. I walked into the kitchen to see Frankie leaning on the sink, facing the window, her head hanging down. I walked over and put my arm around her shoulder.
"He knows, Frankie. Nick knows about my feelings for you and he's coming over in an hour so I can explain myself to him. You're more than welcome to join us if you want." I said quietly.
"No, I don't want to intrude. I'll go to my studio once he gets here." Frankie stared walking away.
"Yeah?" Frankie replied as she turned around.
I walked over to her, put my hands on both sides of her face (cause why not, right?) and pressed my lips to hers. It was more passionate than this morning (If that's possible but whatever). I soon pulled away and smiled.
"Wow." I gasped.
"I know." Frankie smiled.
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